Explore AGRI'RECRUTE, the essential space to find employment and training in the agricultural world at the Paris International Agricultural Show

Meet the agricultural professions - Pavilion 4

Logo Agri'Recrute
The AGRI'RECRUTE area, located in Pavilion 4, is a major meeting point at the International Agricultural Show and a platform for exchange that listens to the expectations of candidates for agricultural jobs as well as their trainers and employers. Over the course of nine days, it will offer numerous conferences, meetings and highlights on more than 500 m2 of exhibition space.

Careers in agriculture at the Show

Coordinated by ANEFA (Association Nationale paritaire pour l'Emploi et la Formation en Agriculture), this space is an important reference point for visitors seeking precise information and personalised support in their career path. Thanks to the variety and commitment of its partner exhibitors, AGRI'RECRUTE is more than ever the place where the agricultural professions of tomorrow are being shaped, embracing the issues of orientation, training, transmission and installation.


  • ANEFA - Association Nationale Emploi Formation en Agriculture 4 B 061
  • UNREP - Union Nationale Rurale d’Education et de Promotion 4 C 058
  • CNEAP - Conseil National de l’Enseignement Agricole Privé 4 E 060
  • VIVEA - Fonds d’assurance formation des chefs d’entreprises agricoles 4 C 063
  • MFR - Union Nationale des Maisons Familiales Rurales 4 E 064
  • UNEAP - Union Nationale des Étudiants en Architecture et Paysage 4 E 060
  • FGA CFDT - Syndicat des métiers de l'agro-alimentaire et de l'agriculture 4 C060
  • APRODEMA - Association pour la promotion des métiers et des formations en Agroéquipement 4 C 056
  • APECITA - Association Pour l’Emploi des Cadres, Ingénieurs et Techniciens de l’Agriculture et de l’agroalimentaire 4 B 059
  • OCAPIAT - Opérateur de compétences (OPCO) pour la coopération agricole, l'agriculture, la pêche, l'industrie agro-alimentaire et les territoires 4 C 062
  • FNSEA - Fédération Nationale des Syndicats d'Exploitation Agricole 4 B 057 et 4 C 068

And also, schools :

  • AGROPARISTECH : institut national des sciences et industries du vivant et de l’environnement, under the supervision of the Ministries of Agriculture and Higher Education. Founding member of the Université Paris-Saclay, member of the ParisTech network and member of Agreenium.
  • INSTITUT AGRO : National Institute of Higher Education for Agriculture, Food and the Environment. A grouping of Montpellier SupAgro and Agrocampus Ouest, in order to support the agroecological transition of our agriculture.
  • ALLIANCE AGREENIUM : brings together, on a voluntary basis, most of the public higher education establishments and research organisations under the supervision of the Minister of Agriculture. 6 schools are present at the SIA 2023: Bordeaux Sciences Agro, Université de Lorraine - ENSAIA, ENSFEA, INP-ENSAT, Oniris, VetAgro Sup.
  • INSTITUT POLYTECHNIQUE UNILASALLE : is one of the 204 French engineering schools accredited as of 1 September 2020 to deliver an engineering degree. It is a state-recognised private higher education institution of general interest that provides education in the fields of agriculture, agri-food, food and health, the environment and geology. It has four campuses: Amiens (Somme), Beauvais (Oise), Rouen (Seine Maritime) and Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine).

List closed on 19.01.2024